Helping BC farmers contribute to climate change mitigation while improving the productivity and ecological benefits of farmland for future generations

Phase Two has begun!

We are pleased to let you know that we are moving ahead with work on Phase Two for the Agricultural Climate Solutions (Livings Labs) program. We have been busy conducting background research and tools to help us engage with farmers, ranchers and researchers this fall…

Update – July 30, 2021

IAF and BCAC were able to submit an application to the Agricultural Climate Solutions Program (Phase 1) before the June 15 deadline and we were so happy with the interest shown in the lead up to our submission. We ended up including 14 letters of support with our application and an additional 13 notions of endorsement from industry associations…

Preliminary Application

We are pleased to present an overview of BCAC and IAF’s preliminary application to AAFC’s Agricultural Climate Solutions Program (ACSP). This initial concept has been developed based on conversations with key partners and a review of past research programs and producer engagement efforts in British Columbia.