Helping BC farmers contribute to climate change mitigation while improving the productivity and ecological benefits of farmland for future generations
BC Agricultural Climate Solutions
Steering Committee

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is comprised of industry and commodity experts. Their role is to work directly with our key project partners to finalize project objectives, determine the best way to engage with each commodity group, and confirm the work plan for Phase Two of the application.

Steering Committee Members

Michelle KoskiInvestment Agriculture Foundation of BC
Natalie JanssensInvestment Agriculture Foundation of BC
Danielle SynotteBC Agriculture Council
Shauna MacKinnonBC Agricultural Climate Adaptation Research Network
Jesse MacDonaldAgriculture and Agrifood Canada
Gary TelfordAgriculture and Agrifood Canada
Jason LussierBC Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Ione SmithUplands Consulting
Kevin BoonBC Cattlemen’s Association
Hans BuchlerBC Wine Grape Council
Serena BlackBC Forage Council
Eric GerbrandtBC Berry Councils
Emma StrazhnikBC Dairy Association
Leisa YeeBC Potato & Vegetable Growers Association